Zmień kryteria ({{filtersCount}})
Ustaw kryteria
Ustaw kryteria
Stanowisko, firma, słowo kluczowe
Miejscowość, województwo
+{{r}} km
Wyczyść filtry
{{counters.categories && counters.categories[cat.id] ? counters.categories[cat.id] : '0'}}
Data dodania:
({{counters.hours && counters.hours[key] ? counters.hours[key] : '0'}})
Rodzaj pracy:
({{counters.jobTypes && counters.jobTypes[jobType.id] ? counters.jobTypes[jobType.id] : '0'}})
({{counters.contracts && counters.contracts[contract.id] ? counters.contracts[contract.id] : '0'}})
Pokaż oferty ({{counters.all || 0}})
Wszystkie oferty
Customer service specialist with german
Oferty pracy Customer service specialist with german
- Mamy dla Ciebie
26 ofert pracy
Ustaw kryteria
Słowo kluczowe
+{{r}} km
Pokaż oferty ({{counters.all || 0}})
Wyczyść filtry
Pokaż oferty ({{counters.all || 0}})
Wyczyść filtry
{{counters.categories && counters.categories[cat.id] ? counters.categories[cat.id] : '0'}}
{{showAllCategories ? 'Ukryj' : 'Pokaż wszystkie'}} kategorie
Data dodania:
{{counters.hours && counters.hours[key] ? counters.hours[key] : '0'}}
Rodzaj pracy:
{{counters.jobTypes && counters.jobTypes[jobType.id] ? counters.jobTypes[jobType.id] : '0'}}
{{counters.contracts && counters.contracts[contract.id] ? counters.contracts[contract.id] : '0'}}
Wyczyść filtry
Pokaż oferty ({{counters.all || 0}})
Customer Service Officer with German
Customer service specialist with german
Dla jednego z naszych klientów, organizacji specjalizującej się w wytwarzaniu i dystrybucji energii, poszukujemy obecnie osób na stanowisko Customer Service Officer with German.Posiadasz doświadczenie zdobyte na podobnym stanowisku? W bardzo dob
z jobs.pl
Sr. Customer Payment and Credit Services Specialist...
Align Technology
Customer service specialist with german
z rocketjobs.pl
Product Data Specialist with German
Customer service specialist with german
Location: Kraków We work: Hybrid; 3 days in the office after onboarding Contract of employment: full-time Level: Junior/ Mid Recruitment process: online Our client is a global corporation offeri
2 dni temu z traffit.pl
Junior Customer Service Specialist with German...
Obsługa klienta
Customer Service Specialist
Customer service specialist with german
Twój portal z ofertami pracy
2 dni temu z rocketjobs.pl
Product Data Specialist with German
ANTAL Sp. z o. o
Customer service specialist with german
Twój portal z ofertami pracy
2 dni temu z rocketjobs.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Advisor with German
Customer service specialist with german
Opis stanowiska Provide assistance via phone and email, Deliver technical support, including internet speed tests, troubleshooting, and router installations, Address contract and billing inquiries thoroughly and efficiently, Handle and process c
4 dni temu z praca.pl
Customer Service Consultant with German and English
Customer service specialist with german
Work model: hybrid or remoteJob Responsibilities:• Handle and register inquiries from international clients via phone, email, or system, depending on the project.• Assist in resolving technical issues reported by clients efficiently and effectiv
10 dni temu z jobs.pl
Junior Customer Service Specialist with German
Obsługa klienta
Customer Service Specialist
Customer service specialist with german
Dla naszego klienta zlokalizowanego w Katowicach poszukujemy kandydata na stanowisko Specjalisty ds. obsługi klienta z j. niemieckim. Do Twoich codziennych obowiązk ów należeć będzie wyjaśnianie zapytań oraz reklamacji klient ów niemieckojęzyczn
16 dni temu z jobs.pl
Customer Service Specialist with German @ Goldman...
Goldman Recruitment
Obsługa klienta
Customer Service Specialist
Customer service specialist with german
experience in a similar position will be an asset, fluency in German (min. B2) and a good level of English, high school diploma or an equivalent qualification, proficiency in computer use, email communication and phone etiquette, problem-solving
20 dni temu z nofluffjobs.com
Customer Service Specialist with German
Hays Poland
Obsługa klienta
Customer Service Specialist
Customer service specialist with german
Customer Service Specialist with German Kraków - Hays Poland - oferta pracy. Tą i setki innych ofert pracy znajdziesz w myCV.pl.
22 dni temu z mycv.pl
Customer Service Specialist with German
Hays Poland
Obsługa klienta
Customer Service Specialist
Customer service specialist with german
Customer Service Specialist with German Warszawa - Hays Poland - oferta pracy. Tą i setki innych ofert pracy znajdziesz w myCV.pl.
85 dni temu z mycv.pl
Customer Service Specialist with German
Obsługa klienta
Customer Service Specialist
Customer service specialist with german
Dla naszego Klienta, międzynarodowej organizacji na rynku gdańskim (praca zdalna) poszukujemy osób na stanowisko: Customer Service Specialist with German Codzienne obowiązki to m.in.: Wsparcie dla działu księgowości; Kontakt z klientem wewnętrznym i
111 dni temu z grafton.pl
Ogłoszenia z Lento.pl
Nowe puzzle układanka z lat 60-70 WUSP
Cena: 200 zł
Mieszkanie Kraków Prądnik Biały, Prądnik Biały, 29 listopada - okolice
Cena: 672 124 zł
Żuraw dolno obrotowy Mantis - Masol 30.10
Ligota Piękna
Cena: 187 000 zł
ford fiesta 1999 - obudowa gałki zmiany biegów
Cena: 20 zł
RENAULT KOLEOS 2.0 Blue dCi Initiale Paris 4x4 X-Tronic
Cena: 109 900 zł
Skoczów Ochaby 57ar pod lasem rolna nadaje sie pod rekreacje
Cena: 82 000 zł
Dom Rynarzewo gm. Szubin
Cena: 649 000 zł
Cena: 370 zł
Usługi księgowe
Cena: 150 zł
Zielona Góra
Na sprzedaż dom wolnostojący w Brodziszów
Cena: 775 000 zł
OFERUJĘ SCANIA Kolumna przekladnia kierownicza maglownica
Cena: 399 zł
Szczelne szambo, zbiornik na deszczówkę
Cena: 2 500 zł
Lokal użytkowy Katowice Szopienice
Cena: 12 000 zł
Usługi transportowe 24/7
Działka widokowa Rachowiec w górach Sól Kiczora
Cena: 413 000 zł
Oferuje Prywatny Transport Osób Drezdenko i Okolic
Mieszkanie Kraków Centrum
Cena: 670 000 zł
Usługi ogrodnicze, werykulacja, czyszczenie rynien
Podkowa Leśna
Akumulator EFB 72Ah 720A P+ Jenox Start/Stop
Cena: 550 zł
więcej ogłoszeń na lento.pl »
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